Hands HR

Hands HR,

We make HR simple

Finally, you can stop with the unvetted internet searches, manual HR tasks, and management of critical information and documentation through multiple vendors. HR Hero consolidates your compliance information and documentation management in a single source, with intuitive tools —designed specifically for human resources professionals and prepared by attorneys and industry experts.

Reach Our Expert Team

We appreciate your interest in our services. If you have an urgent enquiry or time-sensitive request, we kindly request that you use the contact details provided below for a quicker response. By contacting us directly through these channels, our dedicated team will be able to assist you promptly and efficiently. We understand the importance of your enquiry and aim to provide you with the best possible support.

Apply Jobs

You will feel great sending out your professional resume when applying for jobs knowing that not only does it accurately represent your most noteworthy skills and achievements

Whether we initiate contact with you or you reach out to us

Background checks and other certificates as required

Reviewing the candidate with our recruitment team and yourself

Within 6 hours notice and last-minute acceptance

Our Services

Our Rigorous is Process is Proven to Get You The Top


HandsHR, we specialize in finding exceptional talent that matches your organization's unique requirements.


Smooth and effective onboarding is crucial to ensure new hires feel valued, integrated, and productive from day one.

Labor and Human Relation

Navigating the complexities of labor and human relations can be a challenge for any organization

GMP Training

In industries where adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is critical, training your employees is paramount.

Full-Time Placements

Finding the right full-time employees who align with your organization's goals and values can be a daunting task.

Payroll and Administration

Handling payroll and administration tasks can be time-consuming and complex, diverting your attention.

Unlock HR compliance and workflow efficiencies with Hands HR

Optimize your HR processes and stay compliant with Hands HR. Hands HR is a comprehensive human resources management platform designed to streamline the HR processes and create an engaging work environment.

415 hrs

time saved annually streamlining critical tasks

4.3 *

average client score from Capterra


average number of times HR Hero subscribers have renewed


of clients use HR Hero every week

This whole process takes 2 hours - 1 day Depending on the positions

What is our process

Step 01

Getting Requirements

Whether we initiate contact with you or you reach out to us

Step 02

Screening Candidates

Background checks and other certificates as required

Step 03

Final Interview

Reviewing the candidate with our recruitment team and yourself

Step 04

Placing The Candidate

Within 6 hours notice and last-minute acceptance

Get a Quote

We appreciate your interest in our services. If you have an urgent enquiry or time-sensitive request, we kindly request that you use the contact details provided below for a quicker response.

Our Clients